These animations were created to assist with a patient education video at Boston Medical Center for their endoscopy and colonoscopy unit. They depict simplified versions of the procedures, along with what abnormalities the clinicians are looking for. The pieces were created using ProCreate and complied in Adobe After Effects.
This video explains the variability in both the terms sex and gender. Understanding the gradients that these terms represent can lead to greater understanding of one another. These animations were made using a combination of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, and Cinema 4D.
COVID-19 is a virus that attacks lung cells in order to replicate. It has obviously affected so many lives these past two years so it's essential to continue to educate ourselves on how to best keep the spread under control. This animation seeks to further educate on how this virus operates at a cellular level. I was lucky enough to have my mom, Mary Doherty Cahill, record the narration for this video. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner who has been on the front lines performing tests for COVID-19. It was animated using both Autodesk Maya and Adobe After Effects with assets made in Adobe Illustrator. Below the video are the pages of the storyboard used to make this animation.
Presbyopia or age-related farsightedness is a common condition that causes the lenses in our eyes to harden as we age. This makes focusing on close objects difficult or painful. This animation seeks to educate people on the anatomy of the eye to better understand the aging process. Assets made in Adobe Illustrator and animated in Adobe After Effects. Audio recorded and edited in Adobe Audition. Video compiled in Adobe Premiere. Below are the storyboard pages used to create the animation.